AI for E-commerce Entrepreneurs

Discover the magic of an AI assistant completing your daily e-commerce tasks.

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Create a discount code
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AI Compatible With all E-commerce Stores

Automated Actions

Shape can handle many tasks for you, such as creating discounts, crafting customer emails, adding new products, or generating new orders.

Ask for Anything

Inquire anything with Shape, for example find out why sales dropped in March, or identify your top-selling product from the previous month.

Unified Store Automation

One assistant to manage multiple e-commerce platforms from one place. Let Shape handle tasks
and updates wherever you sell.


Product Copyediting

Automatically create product titles and descriptions based on images, without touching your e-commerce store catalog. Do so in bulk or for individual products.

Think like a Customer

Simply submit an image to receive industry relevant product attributes, enhancing everything from search to SEO & SEM in your product catalog.

Text Link

Your Personal Assistant

Envision an expert in your corner: deeply knowledgeable, exceptionally smart, and always at your service. Shape tackles your repetitive tasks, automate tedious workflows, and conducts research across all your e-commerce platforms—be it Shopify, Magento, or any other—with unmatched efficiency. This enables you to complete your to-do lists faster and more effectively than ever before.

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